Welcome to The Firm U
Styku 3D Body Scanning
The Firm U is proud to offer Styku 3D Body Scanning to track your fitness progress. Upon scan completion, the Styku software will email you the 3D report directly.
We have replaced calipers with an engaging experience.
View your fully body shape and body composition.

Track baseline circumferences like hip, thigh, waist, bust, and more.
We demonstrate where fat is being lost by digitally measuring your waist.

Artificial intelligence is used to predict body fat directly from your waist, hip, and anthropometric measurements
Styku is a precise and reliable way to predict lean and fat mass and bone mass

Evaluate risks. Communicate the possibilities
Use the Styku Fat% to determine health risks compared to others within your gender and age group

Personalized Fitness Goals
Using basic energy balance, Styku can determine your caloric deficit to reach your goal by your target date

MR, BMR, and Caloric Intake
Styku automatically creates a model of the daily expenditure and then uses the daily deficit to estimate the maximum caloric intake you can consume to reach your fat loss goal

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